Company stories
During the ten years we have been in operation, we have had the honour of working with many exciting start-ups. Find out here what some of them think about their collaboration with us.

BlixtIn is the latest company that has been admitted into our incubator. BlixtIn is developing a digital platform that brokers services/assignments between companies and also freelancers.
Jonas, your company has been one of our Movexum incubator companies since 2017. You told us when you were admitted that what attracted you most to Movexum was the chance to receive coaching and support with matters you had never previously had to deal with. Have your expectations been met?
My expectations have been exceeded! In the beginning, I probably didn´t really know what Movexum would mean, but I thought it would be good to get coaching at an early stage. It´ss easy to focus too narrowly and go your own way. That part has really exceeded my expectations. It was wonderful to have Johan (my coach) to bounce thoughts with when my business idea needed to slightly change direction. If I´d have been alone I would maybe have thought it was a failure, which it clearly isn´t. I´m also someone who thinks the most interesting part is getting the big things into place, thanks to Movexum I also the feel the pressure to get down into the details more.
What do you think has been the greatest value that Movexum has contributed to your business so far?
Undoubtedly advice in areas such as sales, sustainability in the business model and daring to think big. It´ss an enormously great environment to be part of, and seeing the other companies´ successes and tribulations is so valuable. It has sometimes been really tough going, but other companies have had it tough too, and then it´ss so good to be able to talk about it together and feel like you're not the only one.
What has been the biggest "aha" insight you have had during the six months as an incubator company?
It´ss probably the respect and confidence Iv´e been met with when I´ve told people that the company is part of the incubator. Those who know what Movexum is know that the incubator doesn´t just accept any old entrepreneur.
Is there any particular moment/tool that you have appreciated more than others?
As I mentioned earlier, it was enormously helpful when things felt hard to sit and talk with other companies that were also having a hard time, or had had harder periods. It gave me a boost!
Movexum´s core values are that we should be guiding, challenging, inspiring and value-creating. Do you think we deliver on this?
Absolutely! Given the answers to the above questions it feels like you cover all the areas.
What could we improve?
Tell more people that you exist, explain about the terms for being part of Movexum, that would strengthen both you and us as companies. Collaborate more with the large companies located in Gävle, they should be interested in what you are doing.

Ylvali Gerling is the founder and owner of MYoroFace, a medical and research-based company based in Hudiksvall.
MYoroFace is one of Movexum´s 21 Alumni companies, i.e. companies that have been part of our incubator and have chosen to continue their relationship with us. The company was founded in 2012 and makes the IQoro® product, which has been researched and developed by Med. Dr Mary Hägg. IQoro, and its accompanying treatment method, treats ailments such as swallowing difficulties and snoring. The most important and largest customer group is regional healthcare organisations such as county councils and regions, as well as private healthcare providers. The market today is Scandinavia and Great Britain, but in the future undoubtedly global.
What has Movexum meant for MYoroFace?
Above all, help with building the company from scratch and acting as an invaluable sounding board during the entire set-up period. Help with getting hold of important contacts and networks. With Movexum's help we were part of Åre Business Forum in 2015 and succeeded in winning Almi´s national Pitch competition and SEK 100,000, beating 60 other participants. The win has meant positive awareness and good marketing, helping us to reach out with our continued business.What advice would you give companies applying to Movexum´s incubator programme today?
It´s important to have an idea of what you want help with as a new entrepreneur. You have to be ready to drive the process yourself or with your colleague. You shouldn't see Movexum as extra personnel in your company. It´s simple to become part of the actual incubator process, but you must be ready to allocate time to be able to implement the advice you receive during the process. Take the opportunity to ask questions.

SolarWave was one of the first companies to be accepted into Movexum´s incubator process. In the photo: Jens Schöldström, Jini Nälsén, Adrine Atumanyao and Johan Wennerberg.
SolarWave is an international company founded in 2009 which provides reliable and competitive solar-powered disinfection systems. By combining advanced solar and environmental technology products, SolarWave creates an often life-changing solution for developing countries and emergency needs through, for example, water purification. Today SolarWave shares premises with Movexum in central Gävle and is one of our Alumni companies.
What has Movexum meant for your company?
Coming into contact with Movexum has meant that SolarWave received a more structured way of doing business. Our actual start as an exporting company with innovative products was new, even for Movexum. Despite this, we were able to get help via their externally connected experts, help with finding the right networks and important contacts in different organisations, financing solutions and more. As an Alumni company we have the possibility to rent office space at Movexum, participate in valuable activities that are organised and also get advice when needed. Movexum is also one of our biggest marketing channels. We are proud to be connected with Movexum.What advice would you give a company starting in Movexum´s incubator process today?
Don´t hesitate to join! The coaching and network you are going to receive via the process are invaluable for a new company.
Cargo Beacon

Cargo Beacon started in the beginning of 2016 and has its head office in Alfta, Hälsingland. The company has developed a data logger designed for freight transportation that logs temperature, air moisture, localisation and other specific events directly to your mobile device and other connected devices. Cargo Beacon has been one of our incubator companies since autumn 2016.
How did you come into contact with Movexum?
As a newly started development company, the owners googled the nearest business incubator in search of help and advice during the start-up phase, and they found Movexum.What expectations do you have as a Movexum incubator company?
Primarily to be coached and supported in the actual business development process. Additionally, a community and exchange with other incubator companies that are in the same situation.

Arrtodo is owned and run by Anna Hansers Rutäng The company was founded in 2015 and is based in Vallsta. Arrtodo provides the Abibo service, a web-shop where customers can specially configure books to adapt them to their needs. The books are then printed or made available as e-books. Arrtodo is one of our incubator companies.
How did you come into contact with Movexum, Anna?
Arrtodo applied for innovation support from Almi GävleDala. A representative from Movexum was part of the decision group and thought that Arrtodo´s idea sounded interesting. Arrtodo was therefore offered a place in Boost Chamber and thereafter was accepted into the incubator programme. Before that I knew nothing about Movexum.What expectations do you have as a Movexum incubator company?
Since I´m alone in my company, I want to see Movexum as an important sounding board for bouncing ideas in the start-up phase. Like many other incubator companies, I haven´t had the chance to build my own team yet. Apart from a board member, who knows the sector, and my family I don't have anybody I can continuously discuss the development of the company with. Through networks, coaching, presentations and education, Movexum is a huge support during the start-up process. The incubator process has helped me to grow as a business person with more courage, knowledge, insight, self-awareness and resilience.Where are you currently in the development of your company and what are your goals?
I am currently getting the last things in order for the launch of Abibo version 1, estimated to happen in June. My longer term goal is to launch Abibo on the international market. My vision is that Abibo is a global brand that represents inclusive learning and desire-to-read for everybody.