About Movexum

Value-creating, inspiring, guiding and challenging.

Our remit to create growth in the region by taking innovative ideas and turning them into commercial products and services gives us our core values, direction and support. Since we started in 2008, we have helped approximately 100 entrepreneurs and innovators. A few of the companies have now been listed on the stock exchange, most of them currently have several employees, and some of them have really changed people's lives with their solutions, and provided them opportunities they otherwise would not have had. We are proud that our activities have contributed to some of the success stories of our region.

At Movexum, we are not only passionate about helping people build successful companies from their ideas, we are also very engaged in issues such as equality and equal opportunities. For us it´s important that when you come to us with your idea, the only things that are assessed are the potential of your idea and your personal motivation, nothing else.

Being a Movexum incubator company doesn´t only mean that we professionally support and help you progress, both your company and yourself, it also means you become part of a great community that offers you support, motivation, knowledge and of course competence. A warm welcome to you!

The Movexum-team

We have a dedicated and engaged team that is passionate about helping people realise their ideas.

Ulrika Malmqvist

Ulrika Malmqvist

Managing director
Ulrika Malmqvist
Movexum´s MD who drives the business by building teams and taking the lead. Has a degree in engineering and many years´ experience of leading complex national and international development projects with both public and private stakeholders. Interested in sports, lives in Sandviken, has a background as a football player. Is a member of the board of Styrelseakademin Gävleborg, and others. Likes travelling and going to stand-up comedy shows.
Contact: ulrika@movexum.se or  +46 70-750 22 56  
The Swedish innovation system
Infectious laughter
Johan Wickenberg

Johan Wickenberg

Business coach

Johan Wickenberg
Former Head of Export that has taken a family-owned Swedish company into the international market. Has returned to Gävle after ten years in Skåne. Seriously competitive, loves skiing and running. Has run a marathon barefoot.

Contact: johan@movexum.se or +46 70-718 88 38



International business



Richard Hainsworth

Richard Hainsworth

International coach

Richard Hainsworth
American moved to Sweden, who has himself run a start-up and still runs his own company in addition to his job as a Movexum coach. Has a farm in Årsunda where he also lives and hunts. Knows a lot about most things, has a soft spot for watches and is often out travelling in other countries.

Contact: richard@movexum.se or +46 70-757 99 79



International business


Historical knowledge

Anna Utterberg

Anna Utterberg

Communications manager

Anna Utterberg
Has a background in printed media as an experienced entertainments editor, used to managing media projects and creating messages. Interested in interior design, lives in Gävle, loves driving a motorbike or reading crime novels in English when there´s time. Envies Hälsingland for its beautiful scenery.

Contact: anna@movexum.se or +46 73-981 73 25



Grafic design and lay-out


Remembers song texts and quickly recognises song intro's

Ivar Renngård

Ivar Renngård

Business coach

Ivar Renngård
Lives in Söderhamn but is a Norwegian at heart. Background includes working as an IT manager but prefers to work with people rather than with figures. Just like our international coach Richard, Ivar has experience running his own start-up. Likes playing the piano or gardening in his green-house.

Contact: ivar@movexum.se or +46 70-783 07 54



Innovation concept and terms



Jenny Ohlsson

Jenny Ohlsson

Finance and accounting manager

Gunilla Larsson
Own entrepreneur with an economics degree who is passionate about numbers and budgets to be fun and useful in entrepreneurial development. Like working with people and helping to make dreams come true. Business development consultant with focus on financial and financial issues for 15 years. Three athletic teenagers at home who are able to participate in the world of sports. Do exercise on occasion and read a good book to relax.

Contact: jenny.ohlsson@movexum.se or +46 70-790 96 53



Financial counseling

Budget reports

Sports mom

Daneil Edströms

Daneil Edströms

Project manager sustaniability

Daniel Edströms
Edsbybo basically, but now resides in Gävle with a partner and an old cat. Is an educated industrial designer at the University of Gävle, who did his degree work in service design at Movexum. The training provided a broad foundation with knowledge in several areas such as product development, graphic design, sustainability and service design. Powered by working with a focus on man and its needs in his work. Leisure is often spent with TV shows, training, or taking care of the many plants in the home. Of course, if his not fikaing.

As I said in an interview for the degree project here at Movexum, I am attracted to working with Movexum for the inspiring environment and the drive and helpfulness of Movexum. Now, having gone on to other projects within the organization, I can say that the same things To continue my journey of contributing to and taking part in this inspiring bunch feels very fun!

Kontakt: daniel.edstroms@movexum.se



Service design

Design thinking

Beard grooming


Gunilla Roberg

Gunilla Roberg

Business coach

Gunilla Roberg
Originating from Dalarna county, Gunilla is a person living by the words forward and up, and who is not afraid a nore challenges or changes. Brings to her work as a business coach both smaller and larger perspectives from her previously experiences from startups and global organisations. Takes a thrill in seeing the human behind the company and is a regular Netflix-user and loves contrasts.

Kontakt: gunilla.roberg@movexum.se eller 073-663 23 92



Developing businesses

Developing people

An awesome alpine skier when the conditions of the slopes are great


Our board

Johan Färnstrand

Johan Färnstrand

President of the board

Johan Färnstrand

Regiondirektör Gävleborgs län sedan 2017. Bor i Uppsala. Har arbetat i ledande befattningar inom  bl.a. flygindustrin, FMCG, media (tidningar, radio) samt vård och omsorg. Verkat som styrelseledamot och ordförande i styrelser inom media, digital/social media, transportsektorn, konsumentvaror och tjänstesektorn. MBA från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

Finns det några särskilda frågor/områden  du brinner lite extra för?

Vad gäller uppdraget som ordförande i Movexum så är det:

Go to market – att bidra till att en god idé kan gå från idé till produkt som fungerar på marknaden.

Affärsutveckling – att utveckla och hjälpa till att bygga bättre företag.

Håkan Rönström

Håkan Rönström

Board member

Håkan Rönstrom

Förtroendeuppdrag i Region Gävleborg och Hudiksvalls kommun. Bosatt i Hudiksvall. Har plats i Regionstyrelsen, Kommunstyrelsen och dess utskott. Har styrelseuppdrag i bland andra Almi GävleDala, Innovationsnod n:a Hälsingland Ek. Förening, Hudiksvalls Näringslivsbolag AB, är huvudman i Hälsinglands Sparkbank.

Håkan, vad vill du med ditt styrelseuppdrag i Movexum bidra med?

Att bevaka så att samarbetet ökar mellan länets noder, näringslivsbolag, Almi GävleDala och Movexum.

Torbjörn Jonsson

Torbjörn Jonsson

Board member

Torbjörn Jonsson

Bor i Delsbo. Har en kandidatexamen från Mälardalens Högskola inom  Automation. Har jobbat inom många olika områden som IT-konsult, kvalitetschef, inköps- och logistikchef, produktionschef och har haft olika VD-roller. Bland arbetsgivarna finns ABB, ERicsson, Tieto, Connecto, Delsbo Candle. Ansvarar idag för SME-utveckling inom RISE Acreo och leder Fiber Optic Valley. Har haft flera olika styrelseuppdrag, idag Regional Innovationsnod Norra Hälsingland  samt Movexum.

Torbjörn brinner för innovation och hållbar utveckling och vill med sin roll som styrelseledamot bidra till att Movexum är en attraktiv och central del av innovationssystemet i Gävleborg.

Gunilla Mårtensson

Gunilla Mårtensson

Board member

Gunilla Mårtensson

Gunilla bor i Gävle och är sjuksköterska, medicine doktor och docent i vårdvetenskap. Har arbetat på Högskolan i Gävle sedan år 2000 i en mängd olika uppdrag och funktioner, är för närvarande  t.ex. vice rektor för kvalitet och hållbarhet. Varit utbildningsledare,  kollegialt vald ordförande i högskolans utbildnings- och forskningsnämnd (UFN),  är vicerektor för kvalitet och är sedan tre år akademichef för Akademin för teknik och miljö.

Vad hoppas du bidra med som styrelseledamot i Movexum?

Jag vill bidra med min erfarenhet och insyn i flera skilda verksamheter, själv som forskare inom vårdområdet och i uppdraget jag är ansvarig för strategiskt driver forskning inom teknik och miljöområdet. Vi kraftsamlar för att möta samhällets och regionens behov av kunskap och kompetens. Vi tar oss an samhällsutmaningarna regionalt och globalt. Ett område jag särskilt brinner för är att forskningen ska bidra till ett hållbarare samhälle och göra avtryck!

Carina Åkerberg

Carina Åkerberg

Board member

Carina Åkerberg

Strateg regional utveckling Region Gävleborg.

Alf Persson

Alf Persson

Board member

Alf Persson
Board member

Staffan Thegel

Staffan Thegel

Board member

Staffan Thegel
Board member

Jonas Lundblad

Jonas Lundblad

Board member

Jonas Lundblad
Your text

Lisa Wiik

Lisa Wiik

Board member

Liisa Wiik
Your text

Annika Roos

Annika Roos

Board member

Annika Roos
Board member

Eva Lindberg

Eva Lindberg

Board member

Eva Lindberg

Curious to hear what our companies think of us?

Here you´ll find some examples of what companies that are, or have been, part of our incubator say about us.

Contact us


Vågskrivargatan 5, 803 20 Gävle


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