Boost Chamber - participant stories
How does it feel to enhance your idea together with others, how does the cooperation with Movexum work and what value does our Boost Chamber bring? Some of the participants in the first Boost Chamber of 2018 share their experiences.
Lovisa & Frida Pettersson - BC #1 2018
Sisters Frida Pettersson, 28 years old and Lovisa Pettersson 30 years old, have created a piece of outside furniture for doing office work, primarily computer work, outdoors. After a tip from Lars Löfqvist, a teacher at Gävle University, they applied to the first Boost Chamber of the year and were accepted.

During the summer of 2017, sisters Frida Pettersson and Lovisa Pettersson had the chance to create a design process together. Both of them are passionate about creating products and environments for people and towns, focused on health and well-being. They are also specifically interested in Gävle´s progress. They told Lars Löfqvist at Gävle University about this, and after guidance from him the sisters were inspired to come up with their idea, as Lars told them about how he longed to be able to go out and work in the sun.
Fridas portfolio:
Lovisas portfolio: &
Do as Frida and Lovisa, test your idea in our Boost Chamber!
Sen us an application form today.
What would you say has been the biggest "aha" moment so far in Boost Chamber?
Our biggest "aha" moment so far was discovering that it is hard to apply methodologies and present your idea to a customer without first having a prototype. This can be because we are working with an innovative product, and it's difficult to describe something that doesn´t exist. That´s why we are putting a lot of focus on getting the prototype ready as early as possible.
How would you describe Boost Chamber's impact on the idea you were accepted for?
We are still on the same track as when we started, however we have received a lot of input and good ideas about how we can run it as a business idea in a way that we probably wouldn´t have come up with ourselves. We have also gained a more rigid approach to our sketching process and designing of products, taking production and the customer into consideration. For our furniture to be able to exist, we have to ensure that the customer and production match the user-focused design process we have followed until now.
What has been the best thing so far, and what do we at Movexum need to improve for next time?
In Movexum´s Boost Chamber, you dont only get to meet capable and engaged coaches and presenters. You work dynamically here, more like a team, together with the other participants. You both give and receive input, ideas and strength. You feel heard, it is very open, and people are very accommodating and respect each other. This creates confidence which in turn makes you want to keep working. The nice thing about Movexum is that you are always welcome and are greeted with interest, warmth and enthusiasm. One thing I think we are all looking for is individual coaching. That, together with having your own initial meeting with your coach before you get going in Boost Chamber, I think are important elements for Movexum to apply in the programme.
What tips would you give to another person in your situation who might be slightly hesitant to join Boost Chamber?
As I mentioned above, Movexum is a good place to be during the start-up phase of a business idea. You don´t need to have a finished concept, you work with your concept here using good design methodologies and you are encouraged to make contact with customers at an early stage. You receive support and ideas about collaboration, and since all the participants and coaches have different backgrounds, we create a good contact network that we share with each other.
Kim Berge & Rasmus Forsell - BC #1 2018
Rasmus Forsell and Kim Berge are both engineering students at the University of Gävle and know how it feels to live on a tight budget. Their idea for a digital manpower resource solution which minimises fixed costs was born in 2017. Half way through the year´s first Boost Chamber they have a good feeling.

26-year-old Kim Berge & and 25-year-old Rasmus Forsell see themselves as owning their own company in five years. With their digital manpower resourcing solution, they believe that it is time for the labour market to step into the future where the sharing economy and innovative platforms solve many problems.
There's a great feeling in the group, we look forward to every meeting and we feel like we are taking small, but important, steps forward.
If you think about what you´ve hopefully learnt through Boost Chamber, how important would you say this has been in your work with your idea and your understanding for what is needed to succeed?
The basic idea is still the same, but we´ve of course received a lot of really important input that has had an impact. I believe we have received a much better understanding of what is needed to succeed. That there´s a lot of work to be done, but above all that it is possible and that we can get a lot of help from our coaches.
How has it been to work with people you've never met before?
We have a really nice group and everybody gets along well. I think there´s been a good atmosphere right from the start, then it feels like everybody became even closer after the away days.
What do you think Movexum should focus more on in the next Boost Chamber, and what should we give less time to?
I think the programme was really good. Perhaps more occasions when we were divided into smaller groups, I think we got good discussions going then.
Are you going to apply for our incubator after this?
Yes, of course!
Incubator startups that have participated
Since our Boost Chamber functions as a pre-intake to our incubator, many of the start-ups we work with commenced their cooperation with us through Boost Chamber. D-rail, Arrtodo and Cargo Beacon are some of these.
Would you like to find out more?
Let us explain how the programme works.